UK Akkreditering Forum Limited

Halal Certification

Halal is an Arabic word meaning official. It refers to things or actions allowable by Shariah law without penalty compulsory on the doer. It is frequently used to describe something that a Muslim is allowable to engage in, e.g. eat, drink or use.

Halal, as per Quaran, means 'permitted' or 'lawful'. Halal certification is necessary for food, cosmetics and other products which come in direct contact with food items. In many countries like: Middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc. Halal certification is necessary to sell the food items. Halal is regularly used in reference to foods and drinks, i.e. foods that are permitted for Muslims to eat or drink under Islamic Shari?ah (law). The criteria specify both what foods are permissible, and how the food must be ready. The foods addressed are mostly types of meat and animal tissue.

The halal certification procedure varies depending on who is performing the service. This is where uncertainty creeps in. Muslim consumers are mostly incapable to find out accurately what procedure has been followed in the certification procedure and what standards have been set by the certification provider.

Benefits of Halal Certification

  • If you are exporting or planning to export then our Halal certificate will support you to meet the importing countries necessities.
  • Halal certified products can be advertised as Halal and can also show the registered trademark Halal logo on their packaging, therefore making your products readily acceptable by Halal consumers.
  • Halal certificate can progress the marketability of your products to over 50 million Halal consumers in Europe and over 1.6 billion international.
  • If your product is used as an ingredient by your customer after that it will support your client obtain Halal certification and therefore maintain your clients and may also enlarge your sales.